YouTube Video Rank Tracker
There are a few different ways to track YouTube videos in the search engine results pages using the tools within Nozzle.
Are You Tracking YouTube in the SERP?
As Google continues to serve video pack results in the SERPs for a wide range of queries, it keeps pushing traditional, blue-link organic results further down the page. This, in turn, makes it increasingly important to understand how your entire brand, including your videos, is contributing to your visibility in search engine results.
Do you know how individual videos are showing up in the SERPs? Is your YouTube channel showing up when people seek information about your company? Which videos perform the best for specific keywords?
These are some very important questions you can answer with the right video rank tracker.
Nozzle Helps You Track Video
Track Your YouTube Channel
While Google doesn’t often serve up an entire channel as a result for general queries, if the search is directly related to your brand, you better believe your channel is a likely candidate for a SERP appearance. So, is it showing up? And if so, where? Is an unwanted result pushing this brand asset of yours onto the second page? Make sure you’re keeping track of this property and keep checking on any movement.

Track YouTube Videos in Bulk
Our system allows you to add up to 500 videos at once with just a few clicks. This is a simple way to get a large number of your videos into the rank checker and keep an eye on their performance.
Track Individual Videos
If you only have one or two specific videos you want to track – i.e. something that is for a temporary promotion or one that is the major part of a content marketing push – you can do that by manually adding specific URLs into your Brand. Simply find the videos you want to track, copy and paste them in, and you can follow their progress as they climb the rankings.

Why This Matters
The more Google includes individual videos and features like video carousels at the top of the SERP, the more regular organic results will be pushed further down on the SERP. This means a “position one” result could be sitting halfway down the first page. But if your videos rank anywhere, you’ll want to know how close they are to those coveted top-of-SERP positions.
The three ways we described above of using Nozzle as a video rank checker are simple and can get you to use the system quickly and effectively to see how your video marketing efforts are paying off.
When you set up a brand with your YouTube channel or a lot of your individual videos, you can zero in on this ranking data and find out if customers have the chance to see your videos.
Something else to remember: you don’t have to do this just for your own videos.
Nozzle is about letting you use ALL the data, and that means you can always keep close tabs on your competition. This is just one more way you can watch out for new opportunities or make sure you know when their videos are moving up the ranks.