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All great marketers and content strategists know that your website needs to contain answers to every question your target audience is asking themselves. The first step is to collect all these questions. How do you do this?
By asking:
- Your sales people what questions they are constantly answering
- Your existing clients
- Your client fulfillment or customer service teams
- Your product managers
Or you could just ask Google. Well, you should still do all of the above but using Nozzle to extract questions from thousands of SERPs is the fastest way to generate a solid list.
A high percentage of SERPs contain a search feature called People Also Ask. When a PAA box is present, there will be four questions by default.

Google increasingly does a great job at understanding the searcher’s intent for every keyword.
Google has a ton, and I mean A TON of data and 2 decades of a lot of very smart people working on algorithms to understand the searcher’s intent for every query.
When Google serves up a People Also Ask box, it means those four questions are extremely relevant.
Imagine if you could extract all the questions for hundreds, or even thousands, of SERPs and sort them by most appearances across your huge keyword set.

Well then you’d have, what Alexander Hamilton would call, an extremely useful list of questions to answer within the content of your website.
Below is an image of a list of PAA questions that I extracted from a list of a hundred camping stove phrases. I then sent the data to Google Data Studio to organize in a nice, clean report. Click here to peruse this Data Studio Template.