If your company offers a scholarship to prospective and current college students, then good on you. Now you need to advertise your scholarship opportunity in as many places as possible to reach as many of your targeted students as possible.

Below is a list I compiled that will get your scholarship seen. Some of them will turn into links back to your website which is also a side benefit.
You can submit scholarships for free as long as you follow the following criteria: https://www.fastweb.com/content/scholarship-provider-guidelines
It doesn’t appear that it will become a link but it will be a brand mention and potentially get some exposure.
An example with a followed link: https://studentscholarships.org/2020_college_scholarships.php
Adding a scholarship appears to be free: https://studentscholarships.org/scholarship_upload.php
Followed links and category pages like, https://www.honorsociety.org/scholarship-directory?tid=38905 and company/scholarship pages like, https://www.honorsociety.org/scholarships/king-charles-lucille-family-foundation-undergraduate-scholarships
I can’t find an easy way to submit a scholarship. The best option I found so far, besides calling them, is https://support.honorsociety.org/hc/en-us/requests/new
The scholarship page includes a nofollowed button link to your scholarship page on your website. Click on any of the scholarship by study area pages, then a scholarship listed to see an example.
Fill out their contact form here: https://www.brokescholar.com/contact
Submit scholarship here: https://scholarshipowl.com/list-your-scholarship
There directory appears to hide behind a login so it won’t count for links but it can still get you some exposure to students.
Followed link from scholarship listing page: https://www.careeronestop.org/toolkit/training/find-scholarships.aspx?keyword=textile&sortcolumns=BestMatch&sortdirections=&lang=en&scholarshipid=9998315
How to submit scholarship: https://www.careeronestop.org/Toolkit/Training/scholarship-finder-help.aspx. “How can I add, remove, or change scholarship information provided by Scholarship Finder? Requests for additions, removals, or any other changes can be sent to info@careeronestop.org.”
Directory is hidden behind membership account but still worth submitting.
There is a followed link from the scholarship listing page. Example: https://www.chegg.com/scholarships/james-j-burns-ca-haynes-textile-scholarship-2380
I could not find a contact form. So call or fill out form to find out how to submit scholarship opportunity. https://www.chegg.com/press/contact-us/
Several individual scholarship listing pages did not link to their website. Here is one example: https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarship-directory/artistic-ability/art-furnishing-and-design/agl-over-the-rainbow-foundation.
But I found this, https://www.scholarships.com/scholarship-providers-resources/scholarship-provider-guidelines/, which says, “Scholarship URL must link directly to provider’s scholarship page. Scholarship information landing pages must be hosted on a web page specific to the scholarship, at a domain/URL registered to the scholarship provider.” So it seems like you can get a link.
The submission form is here: https://www.scholarships.com/scholarship-providers-resources/list-your-scholarship/create-account
This site lists your scholarship with a followed link. Example: – https://www.listsofscholarships.com/avalaunch-media-scholarship/
To post your scholarship, go here: https://www.listsofscholarships.com/post/