If your business has a physical location, local packs are a great place to rank. Top local listings usually fall within the top 3 positions on the SERP, making those who own them magnets for both online and offline traffic in their area.
But how do you track whether you’re ranking in the local listings for your keywords? That’s where Nozzle comes in.
Nozzle is ideal for local SEO. Using our tool, you can track keywords in any location from as broad as a country to as narrow as a neighborhood. Plus, you’ll be able to keep track of all the local packs and local listings that your keywords serve up.
Here’s how to do it. First let’s look at your competition in the local listings.
Discover Who Owns the Local Listings
To find out who’s successfully vying for the top local listings, navigate to your Competitive Share of Voice dashboard. Select Domain in the Rollup dropdown, then begin typing “local” into the segment search bar; you’ll see several options. If you want to see who’s paying for local or map ads, pick the Local/Map Ads segment. For now, we’re going to use the Local segment.

Next, sort by keywords and make sure you’re viewing the Keywords tab. You’ll find useful charts and a table below showing the domains that hold local listings in order of who has the most.

Learn More
Click on one of the domains in the table (I prefer to right click and open in a new tab) to visit the performance overview page for that domain. Scroll down to find a new table that lists what keywords that domain has local listings for, along with the URL of each listing.
I clicked on enterprise.com, and you can see the keywords they hold local listings for. Because this domain has so many, I sorted them by search volume and limited the table to 10. You can also see the ranks of their local listings (all within the top 3 positions), along with other useful data like Pixels from Top and CTR.

Clicking on a top URL will open that URL in a new tab. Clicking on a keyword will take you to its performance overview page, where you can analyze its SERP results and SERP HTML with Nozzle Vision. I clicked on the first keyword, “car rental sarasota.”

Analyze by URL
With Nozzle, you can also directly pull up a list of URLs that rank in local packs. These URLs would be the ones linked to in the “Website” button of each listing.
To pull up such a list, visit the Competitive Share of Voice dashboard and apply the Local segment once again. Select URL in the Rollup dropdown. If you scroll down, you’ll see a table of URLs that rank in local packs, along with the number of keywords they have local rankings for.

Notice that enterprise.com has separate URLs for separate locations, but many of the other domains don’t. Pay attention to details like this when you analyze your local SERP landscape. If the higher-ranking domains seem to be doing something different from other domains, their strategy may be worth a try. This table doesn’t give you any information about the effectiveness of enterprise.com’s practice, but it’s still important to keep an eye on the details.
Clicking on one of the URLs in the table will send you to its performance overview page, where you can look at all the keywords it holds top local listings for.

Keep in mind that, if you see a URL that is ranked far lower than the top 3 after you’ve applied the Local segment, this is because side panels are treated as a continuation from the bottom of the first column of search results. This is why Pixels from Top can be such a useful metric and give you a better idea of where your listings are actually sitting on the SERPs.

Local Pack Keyword List
You can also try pulling up a list of the keywords that serve up local packs, since not all keywords do. Such a list will illuminate the keywords where you have the opportunity to rank within an existing local pack and outshine your competitors.
To supply yourself with a local pack keyword list, you’ll use the Explore by Keyword dashboard, which will be available in a future update.
As you can see Nozzle allows you to see Google’s local packs from several angles and is super helpful to keep track of where you and your competitors are ranking in the local packs.