Recently I asked marketing and SEO professionals what they felt the most underutilized SEO strategy or tactic was. With over 100 responses I was able to compile them into these categories:
#1- Underutilized Keyword Research Strategies
#2- Underutilized Onsite Optimization Strategies
#3- Underutilized Content Strategies
#4- Underutilized Link Building Strategies
#5- Underutilized Technical SEO Strategies
#6- Underutilized Local SEO strategies
#7- Underutilized Video SEO Strategies
#8- Miscellaneous Underutilized SEO Strategies
My intent is to shed some light on a strategy or two that you haven’t focused on yet, or perhaps remind you of some SEO basics that you haven’t thought about in a while. Who knows? Implementing one of these underutilized strategies may be all that you need to push your rankings to the next level.